These are the words of the wonderful Heather Small and I think they reflect the ethos of Busy Life. As I say on my home page, for me, what society needs are more little acts of kindness that can collectively result in the power to do good. So, I would like to record here the "little acts of kindness" that Busy Life supporters are doing that are doing good. For instance, have you volunteered at an event, been on a litter pick, walked someone's dog, or put the spare change from your shopping in a charity box? If so, I want to hear from you!! To add to this page, please either email me at or message me via our Facebook page. Please, note, all posts are anonymised and moderated to ensure they reflect our company ethos! I look forward to hearing from you! I hope you have done something today to make you feel proud.
Did you know there is an annual Random Acts of Kindness Day? The 17th February. A great day to be kind and, of course, champion inclusion!
NHS volunteers.
Delivery drivers bringing bread & milk to the front door.
Shop Keepers making up care packages for free.
Toiletry appeals and fundraising.
People working as volunteers to help support vulnerable people who live alone.
300 local support groups set up on Facebook.
Postcard campaigns giving people contact details to get help and combat loneliness.
Hotels delivering free meals to people at home.
Cafes delivering hot soup to the elderly.
Social media groups formed for suburbs and villages as points of contact.
Graphic design services offered to small businesses for free.
Coaching services offered to small businesses for free.
Celebreties gifting their hotels for use by the NHS.
Supermarkets introducing shopping hours for the eldery.
Take aways offering free drinks to NHS staff.
Bakeries delivering free food parcels to the elderly and vulnerable.
Neighbours supporting each other (from a distance).
Martin Lewis giving £1 million to charities.
Virtual tours of zoos available on the internet.
Celebs posting videos on social media.
Giving someone spare change for a parking meter.
Giving someone out for a long walk £2 for a cuppa.
Sending a friend flowers when they have moved house.
Sending a "Welcome to you New Home" card
Sending a surprise parcel in the post to a friend in need
Gardening for a friend in the rain!
Sharing a job advert with a friend who might like to apply
Leaving a gift for a child at a toy shop collection
Doing a litter pick
Returning to the sender post for a previous resident
Thinking about inclusion
Talking to someone about inclusion
Showing someone how to use a self-service till
Helping a lady in a mobility scooter put her facemask on
Passing on a parking ticket.
Elite athletes posting live exercise workouts on social media.
Free parking for NHS staff and visitors at hospitals.
Children painting rainbow pictures and displaying them in windows.
Postcards to alert people someone needs help at home.
Free exercise routines on social media.
Small businesses supporting each other.
Sending, on social media, funny Gifs to family and friends.
Sending, on social media, funny videos to family and friends.
Posting a card to someone, who lives on their own, just to say hi.
Remembering family and friends in your prayers.
Small businesses donating from each sale they make.
Big businesses supporting small businesses for free.
Crowdfunding with no fees.
Offering the use of your car for free when you are at work; including insurance.
Donating £1 to a Crowdfunding campaign.
Discounts for NHS staff from restaurants.
Liking and posting Happy Birthday wishes on social media.
Neighbours being neighbourly from 2m.
Music teachers buying students instruments.
Music teachers giving free lessons.
Fostering a dog.
A health worker carrying my bag for me.
Helping someone tie their tye for a job interview.
Walking a neighbours dog every morning before work.
Having a friend's dog to stay over the weekend.
Giving a homeless man food and drink.
Posting someone's Christmas cards for them
Helping someone with their Christmas shopping
Taking a parcel in for a neighbour
Picking up someone else's rubbish and putting it in the bin.
Holding a ladder so someone can safely change lightbulbs.
I gave someone some doggy bags in the park
Supporting someone with a disABILITY to champion inclusion.
Picking up litter on the street (not dropped by me).
Telling someone in a car where there is a parking space in a busy car park.
Our friends at DisABILITY HORIZONS, who share our ethos of inclusion, have just published, "10 Acts of Kindness during the COVID-19 Outbreak." Click the button below to read.
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Championing inclusion & smiling for all!
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